Taking a Deep Dive into the Workings of a Tank Tee

Taking a Deep Dive into the Workings of a Tank Tee

Taking a Deep Dive into the Workings of a Tank Tee


Maintaining proper water pressure is essential to any plumbing system within a home or building. While it takes many components to obtain this goal, the tank tee makes up a part of the solution. A tank tee is a multi-port fitting that is designed to connect a 压力罐 到水系统. Tank tees help organize all the components surrounding 压力罐s while allowing all parts to be easily accessible.


While a simple configuration, the tank tee contains multiple connections and accessory ports. This would include the tank connection, control tapping, lateral, and drain holes. Below is a breakdown of the tank tee and what each of its parts bring to the application:

Not all tank tees are created the same. 例如, tank tees are available in a variety of different materials as certain applications require a specific material, 比如不锈钢, 无铅黄铜, 镀锌, 和聚氯乙烯.  In addition, depending on the application, certain tank tee options are more ideal than others. Below are examples of common tank tee options offered in the industry:

  • 短和. 长
    • Short tank tees are used on 压力罐s with the tank connection protruding through the side of the tank’s base
    • Long tank tees are used on 压力罐s with the tank connection being either at the center or offset inside the bottom of the tank’s base
  • 工会和. 不属于工会的
    • 联盟 tank tees reduce the labor involved for tank replacement. It easily disconnects the tank so that a new tank can be fitted with the tank tee leg from the old tank, 就位, and reconnected to the tank tee head by tightening the union.
    • Non-union tank tees are more economical but don’t allow for the same ease of installation that union tank tees do
  • 女性对. 男性连接
    • FNPT (Female National Pipe Thread)
    • MNPT (Male National Pipe Thread)
    • Most tank tees have both female and male threads on each end

A.Y. McDonald’s plumbing product line features a variety of 无铅黄铜 tank tees that are certified to contain less than .25%铅含量. Our tank tees are all rated to 125 PSI working pressure and comply to the NSF (National Sanitation Foundation)/ANSI (American National Standards Institute) 372 Standard. This would include the following series options:

A.Y. McDonald tank tees also can come in a convenient tank tee package that contains additional plumbing and pump items: pressure switch, 黄铜管接头, 排水阀, 泄压阀, 和压力表. To learn more about tank tees and how they work, 乘A.Y. McDonald 大学 (AYU) course, call our customer service department at 1-800-292-2737, or fill out a 澳门葡京赌场赢钱技巧 form on x5qg.shopping-wonder.com