“A在世界上什么地方?.Y. 麦当劳的赠品

“A在世界上什么地方?.Y. 麦当劳的赠品

“A在世界上什么地方?.Y. 麦当劳的赠品


With products that serve many functions and a company with over 161 years of service, 澳门葡京赌场赢钱技巧 is very well traveled. From a gas valve at the famous Gum Wall in Seattle, Washington to a 控制箱盖 in Glen Falls, 纽约…告诉我, A到底在哪里.Y. 麦当劳?

This summer, make the most of the outdoors by capturing every 澳门葡京赌场赢钱技巧澳门葡京赌场赢钱技巧 you come across. Whether it’s a gas meter bar, 控制箱盖, 甚至是一个水泵, snap a picture and either email us or send via any of our social media pages. Upon doing so, we’ll reach out to you in inquiring your contact information and send you an 澳门葡京赌场赢钱技巧 promotional item of your choosing.

We look forward to seeing where this journey takes you – and our products. But first, get acquainted with the rules and logistics for this ongoing excursion:

  • Pictures emailed should be submitted to promotions@shopping-wonder.com
  • Pictures posted on either Facebook, 推特, Pinterest, or Instagram must use the hashtag #WhereInTheWorldisAY and should be posted directly to our profile
  • After the picture is sent to us, we accept all rights to the use of it
  • Be as creative as you want to because the quality of the picture doesn’t matter, as long as it’s obvious that it’s an 澳门葡京赌场赢钱技巧的澳门葡京赌场赢钱技巧
  • Participation includes anyone, meaning 澳门葡京赌场赢钱技巧 employees, customers, family, and social media followers
  • You can submit as many pictures as you want but are limited to one promotional item per person
  • This campaign is set to last from June 20, 2017 to September 22, 2017
  • Those who submit the most creative picture(s) and/or the most amounts of pictures will receive an extra special 澳门葡京赌场赢钱技巧服装

From a water valve in a local brewery in LeClaire, Iowa to a service fitting under the ground in Maryland…Tell me, A到底在哪里.Y. 麦当劳?